Thursday, November 10, 2016

How to Send Emails in Zen Planner

There are a bunch of ways to send emails in Zen Planner, and in this article, I'll be quickly covering how to:
  1. Send email through Zen Planner automatically
  2. Send email from your Document Templates
  3. Send email from a Contact's Profile
  4. Send email to the contacts in a specific report

1. How to send an email through Zen Planner automatically

This is my favorite way to send an email through Zen Planner.  I've covered this topic in detail, but let me simplify it for you just in case you're not familiar:

  1. Create an Automation
  2. Create a Document Template
  3. Activate the Automation
  4. Wait for Zen Planner to do the rest
Make sure you read up on my 5 Tips for Auto Emails.

2. How to send an email from your Document Templates listing

If you're in Zen Planner Settings > Document Templates, you may see an email that you want to send out right from there.  If so, click on the template and specify the contacts that you want to send it to as shown in this video:

3. How to send an email from the Contact's profile page

As easy as this is, my staff always asks how to email a client.  It's simple: go to the green Action button on their profile page and select either Send an Email (from template), or Send an Email (local app).

4. How to send an email to contacts from a specific report in Zen Planner

If you're looking at a certain report and you want to send an email to everyone or some of the people on that list, this little trick will shortcut you:

  1. Select the contacts that you want to send people to. 
  2. Click "Choose Template" at the top
  3. Select the Document Template or write from a Blank Email Template

Note: You should always BCC yourself when you send emails from Zen Planner, because their servers delete email history after 2 weeks, meaning you'll only be able to see the title of the email you sent in the user's notes after 2 weeks has passed.

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