My Zen Planner Feature Wishlist

Where do our Feature Requests go?

Just about every time I have an idea for Zen Planner, I send it over to them via their helpful customer service portal.  However, with SO many feature requests coming through every day, who knows how well they keep track of these... I mean, even I forget my best ideas.  Not any more.

If any of these ideas inspire you, do me a favor: Send them a similar request for the feature!  Have a different idea or disagree?  Put it in the comments!  Let's make Zen Planner better!

Hopefully, one day this page will be somewhat comprehensive, but until then - it will be a bit scattered.  :)

Zen Planner Kiosk Feature Requests:

The Kiosk app is available in the iOS App store and is a great way for students to sign in to their classes.  It can also be used as a "self service" store and a way for new students to sign up.  It's nice as a first version and has lot's of potential.

Kiosk Request #1 Make it Easy to Change a Photo

The idea: A student sees their photo and wants to change it right there while checking in.  

The solution: Make their profile image a button.  When it get's clicked, it opens the camera.  BAM.

Kiosk Request #2 Change the New Member process

The idea: Right now, the sign up process on the Kiosk just seems to be out of order.  New people get stuck in the process of signing up.  

The solution: Take them through the steps in this order: 1) Personal info.  2) Waiver.  3) Pay for or sign into class.  4) Photo option.  5) Password option.

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